Mission Action Plan

St Dunstan-in-the-West

Mission Action Plan

Our Mission Action Plan has been drawn up to tie in with the London Challenge.

Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in 21st Century London

• Improve communication of events at St Dunstan-in-the-West
• Affix a glass covered notice board to the railings of the church
• Improve the ambience of the church, with better lighting and sound
• Explore the possibility of termly Wednesday lectures
• Employ a part time administrator
• Increase our Electoral Roll to over 35

Equipping the servants of Jesus Christ

• Introduce an Intercessions Book and supervised candle stand
• Involve more people in the weekday services
• Continue to work imaginatively with partner Christian Communities
• Restoration of our organ

Telling the story of Jesus Christ afresh for this generation and especially the young

• Continue to host the St Mary le Strand Sunday School in the Vestry on a monthly basis
• Continue to run an Adult Catechumenate for all comers

Serving London and all its people

• Extend our range of literature and activities to provide an inclusive welcome to visitors
• Ensure the church is open every day of the week

Serving God’s love in a world city

• Continue to work for the Unity of the Church by deepening our ecumenical witness
• Continue to work with the Romanian Community to develop the potential of St Dunstan’s for the use of both congregations
• Continue to be a part of the London Berlin Link
• Continue to be the London home of the Anglican & Eastern Churches Association
• Continue to collaborate with the Diocese in Europe